
Valokuvaaja Linda Varoma

I’m Linda Varoma, a Loviisa based professional photographer and artist. Beside photography my practice also includes writing and I am highly influenced by literature. My autobiographical work builds on the tradition of vernacular photography and explores themes such as domesticity, motherhood, the postnatal body and the everyday. My images all have in common a warm sense of humour, tenderness and clarity. The core of my art making lies in my need to arrange and various sort of typologies can often be seen in my work. My images speaks about the nordic way of life; the light summer nights, the dark months when light turns into something that is hard to grasp and the integrated relationship to nature and landscape that we are born into.

I also work as a freelance photographer for various newspapers, magazines and both small and big businesses. I work mainly in Porvoo, Kouvola and Kotka area but I’m happy to travel. My recent clients include Otavamedia, Sanoma Media Finland, A-lehdet, Keskisuomalainen, OAJ ry, Tehy ry, Lastensuojelun Keskusliitto ry, K-kauppiasliitto ry, Talentia, Journalistiliitto, City of Loviisa and Port of HaminaKotka.

Please visit my editorial portfolio here.

contact & inquiries

+358 40 766 84 70 

Valokuvaaja Linda Varoma

Loviisa – Kotka – Porvoo – Kouvola

You can purchase my art on Taiko Art Shop

s. 1985


2024 – 2025 Master of Art (public art), LAB University of Applied Sciences

2013 – 2014 Master of Letters in Fine Art Practice, Glasgow School of Art

2007 – 2011 Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Novia University of Applied Sciences

2009 Tartu Art College


2023 “Normalsized Heart”, Ostrobothnia Photo Center POVA, Lapua

2023 “Normalsized Heart”, Taidekeskus Itä, Lappeenranta

2021 “The Year of the Rat”, Galleri Emilie, Loviisa

2018 “Our Daily Bread”, pop up show at Aleksanterinkatu 8, Loviisa

2017 “Studio Landscapes and Battlefields”, Galleria Uusi Kipinä, Lahti

2016 “Studio Landscapes and Battlefields”, Galleria Satamankulma, Kuopio

2013 “The Singing Neighour”, Latvian Museum of Photography, Riga

2012 “The Singing Neighbour”, Gallery Vanha Kappalaisentalo, Porvoo


2020 “Summer exhibition”, Hambergska Hemmet, Loviisa
2015 “Art Fair Suomi 2015”, The Cable Factory, Helsinki
2015 “Art of Basware 2015”, Musiikkitalo, Helsinki
2014 “Graduate Degree Show”, McLellan Galleries, Glasgow, U.K
2014 Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China
2014 “Information”, Paisley Museum and Art Galleries, Paisley, U.K
2014 “Volume II”, Iota Gallery, Glasgow, U.K
2014 Marziart Internationale Galerie, Hamburg, Germany
2013 Mullsjö International Photofestival, Mullsjö, Sweden
2012 “Nostalgiat Kollektsioneerides”, Y galerii, Tartu, Estonia (together with Vahram Muradyan and Tarvo Hanno Varres)
2012 “New Nordic Photography 2012”, Härnösand’s Art Hall, Sweden
2012 “Art Fair Suomi 2012, The Cable Factory”, Helsinki
2012 “New Nordic Photography 2012”, Hasselblad Center, Gothenburg, Sweden
2011 “The Art Museum Manifesto”, Loviisa City Art Museum, Loviisa
2011 “Sony World Photography Awards 2011”, Somerset House, London, U.K
2011 “Re:search”, City Art Gallery, Vaasa
2010 “Origo”, Galleri Zebra, Karjaa
2010 “EMMA Prize 2010”, EMMA Espoo Museum of Modern Art
2010 “Äkta vara – Aitoa kamaa”, Ostrobothnia Photographic Centre, Lapua
2008 “Young Professionals”, Horizonte Fotofestival, Zingst, Germany


2022 State Art Commission, FIN
2022 Helsinki University Hospital Arts Committee, FIN
2021 Helsinki University Hospital Arts Committee, FIN
2019 K-kampus, K-Group’s main office building, Helsinki
2014 Student housing at 235-241 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow, U.K
2009 Malmska Municipal Health Care Center and Hospital, Pietarsaari


2015 – 2021 Photography workshops and courses at Adult Education Centres in Kotka, Loviisa and Porvoo
2015 Assessing the final work of undergraduate photography students, Yrkeshögskolan Novia
2014 Workshop, Glasgow School of Art
2014 Artist Talk, Napier University
2013 Artist Talk, TalkSeePhotography’s December Event, CCA, Glasgow
2013 Artist Talk, Edinburgh College of Art


2015 Art of Basware, shortlisted
2012 Victor Fellowship, Hasselblad Foundation, Bachelor’s level winner
2011 Sony World Photography Awards, Student Focus, finalist
2010 EMMA Prize, finalist


2019 “Nork Magazine” Volume 4 ISSN 2535-6518
2014 “Letters to Pete Jockey”, artist’s book, edition 100 + 5ap
2014 “New Nordic Photography”, Hasselblad Foundation ISBN 978-91-976975-7-6
2012 “The Victor Fellowships ’12”, exhibition catalogue ISSN 2000-0138 / ISBN 978-91-976975-5-2
2011 “Sony World Photography Awards 2011”, exhibition catalogue ISBN 978-2-916954-75-2
2010 “Äkta vara – Aitoa kamaa”, exhibition catalogue ISBN 978-952-5839-04-3
2009 “Dubbelsidigt//Kaksipuolista”, exhibition catalogue ISBN 978-952-5839-00-5
2008 “Young Professionals”, exhibition catalogue ISBN 23-21593-72200-0


2023 Journalistisen kulttuurin edistämissäätiö, project grant
2023 Association Konstsamfundet, project grant
2020 Arts Promotion Centre, corona-grant
2016 Föreningen Konstsamfundet, project grant
2015 Arts Promotion Centre Finland, project grant
2013 Frame Visual Art Finland
2013 Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland
2013 Arts Promotion Centre Finland
2012 Hasselblad Foundation
2012 Arts Council of Uusimaa
2011 Alfred Kordelin Foundation
2011 Association Konstsamfundet
2011 Patricia Seppälä’s foundation